Articles, English

Cohen, Yinon, Yitchak Haberfeld, Sigal Alon, Oren Heller and Miri Endeweld. 2023.
Ethnic Gaps in Higher Education and Earnings Among Second and Third Generation Jews in Israel.
Hagira Journal 13: 6-31.

Kristal, Tali, Yinon Cohen, and Edo Navot.  2020.
Workplace Compensation Practices and the Rise in Benefit Inequality
American Sociological Review 85(2) 271–297

Cohen, Yinon, Noah Lewin Epstein, and Amit Lazarus. 2019.
Mizrahi-Ashkenazi educational gaps in the third generation.
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 59: 25-33.

Sociological Science 5: 46-488.

Cohen, Yinon and Neve Gordon.  2018.
Israel’s Biospatial Politics: Territory, Demography, and Effective Control. 
Public Culture 30 (2): 199-220.

Lewin Epstein, Noah and Yinon Cohen.  2018.
Ethnic origin and identity in the Jewish population of Israel. 
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1492370

Kristal, Tali, and Yinon Cohen. 2017.
The causes of rising wage inequality: the race between institutions and technology.
Socio-Economic Review 15 (1): 187–212.

Kristal, Tali and Yinon Cohen. 2015.
What do computers really do? Computerization, fading pay-setting institutions and rising wage inequality.
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 42: 33-47.

Cohen, Yinon. 2014.

Regional Inequalities in Israel: Jews and Palestinians in Israel’s Districts, 1995-2012.
Pp. 853-885 in ITAN (Integrated Territorial Analysis of the Neighborhoods), Scientific Report, European Union.

Mundlak, Guy, Ishak Saporta, Yitchak Haberfeld and Yinon Cohen. 2013.
Union Density in Israel 1995-2010: the hybridization of industrial relations.
Industrial Relations 52: 78-101.

Gordon, Neve and Yinon Cohen. 2012.
Western.Interests, Israeli Unilateralism, and theTwo-State.Solution.
Journal of Palestinian Studies XLI (3): 6-118.

Cohen, Yinon. 2011.
Size and Selectivity Patterns of Israeli-born Immigrants in OECD Countries
International Journal of Comparative Sociology 52(1-2): 45-62.

Cohen, Yinon, Yitchak Haberfeld, and Irena Kogan. 2011.
Who Went Where? Jewish Immigration from the Former Soviet Union to Israel, the USA and Germany, 1990-2000.
Israel Affairs 17(1): 7-21.

Kristal, Tali, Yinon Cohen, and Guy Mundlak. 2011.
Fringe Benefits and Income Inequality
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 29: 351-369.

Cohen, Yinon. 2009.
Migration Patterns to and from Israel.
Contemporary Jewry 29: 115-125.

Cohen, Yinon, and Irena Kogan. 2007.
Next year in Jerusalem .. or in Cologne? Labor Market Integration of Jewish Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel and Germany in the 1990s
European Sociological Review 23: 155-168.

Cohen, Yinon, and Yitchak Haberfeld. 2007.
Self Selection and Earnings Assimilation: Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel and the US.
Demography 44: 649-668.

Kristal, Tali, and Yinon Cohen. 2007.
Decentralization of Collective Wage Agreements and Rising Wage Inequality In Israel
Industrial Relations 46: 613-635.

Cohen, Yinon, Ytichak Haberfeld, Tali Kristal, and Guy Mundlak. 2007.
The State of Organized Labor in Israel
Journal of Labor Research 28: 255- 273.

Cohen, Yinon, Yitchak Haberfeld, and Tali Kristal. 2007.
Ethnicity and Mixed Ethnicity: Educational Gaps among Israeli-born Jews
Ethnic and Racial Studies 30: 896-917.

Haberfeld, Yitchak, and Yinon Cohen. 2007
Gender, Ethnic, and National Earnings Gaps in Israel: the Role of Rising Inequality
Social Science Research 36: 654-672.

Cohen, Yinon, and Haya Stier. 2006.
The Rise in Involuntary Part time Workers in Israel.
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 24: 41-54.

Cohen, Yinon, Yitchak Haberfeld, Guy Mundlak, and Ishak Saporta. 2003.
Unpacking Union Density: Membership and Coverage in the Transformation of the Israeli Industrial Relations System
Industrial Relations 42: 692-711.

Cohen, Yinon, and Yitchak Haberfeld. 2003.
Economic Assimilation among Children of Israeli Immigrants in the US.
International Migration 41(4):141-160.Cohen, Yinon. 2002.

Cohen, Yinon. From Haven to Haven: Changes in Immigration Patterns to Israel
Pp. 36-56 in Levy D. and Y. Weiss (eds), Challenging Ethnic Citizenship: German and Israeli Perspectives on Immigration. New York: Berghahn Books.

Cohen Yinon. 2002. Review of the Statistics of Abstract of Israel
Haaretz 27/11/2002.

Cohen, Yinon, and Yitchak Haberfeld. 2001.
Self Selection and Return Migration: Israeli-born Jews Returning home from the US During the 1980s
Population Studies 55: 79-91.

Cohen, Yinon, and Yitchak Haberfeld. 1997.
The Number of Israeli Immigrants in the U.S. in 1990
Demography 34: 199-212.

Cohen, Yinon, Tzippi Zach, and Barry Chiswick. 1997.
The Educational Attainment of Immigrants: Changes Over Time
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 37: 229-243.

Chiswick, Barry, Yinon Cohen, and Tzippi Zach. 1997.
The Labor Market Status of Immigrants: Effects of the Unemployment Rate at Arrival and Duration of Residence
Industrial and Labor Relations Review 50: 289-303.

Cohen, Yinon. 1996.
Economic Assimilation in the US of Arab and Jewish Immigrants from Israel and the Territories
Israel Studies 1(2): 75-97.

Cohen, Yinon, and Andrea Tyree. 1994.
Palestinian and Israeli-born Jewish Immigrants in the U.S.
International Migration Review 28: 243-255.

Cohen, Yinon, and Yitchak Haberfeld. 1993.
Temporary Help Service Workers: Employment Characteristics and Wage Determination
Industrial Relations 32: 272-287.

Cohen, Yinon, and Yitchak Haberfeld. 1991.
Why Do Married Men Earn More than Unmarried Men?
Social Science Research 20: 29-44.

Semyonov, Moshe, and Yinon Cohen. 1990.
Ethnic Discrimination and the Income of Majority Group Workers
American Sociological Review 55: 107-114.

Cohen, Yinon. 1988.
War and Social Integration: The Effects of the Israeli-Arab Conflict on Jewish Emigration from Israel
American Sociological Review 53: 908-918.

Cohen, Yinon, and Jeffrey Pfeffer. 1986.
Organizational Hiring Standards
Administrative Science Quarterly 31: 1-24.

Pfeffer, Jeffrey, and Yinon Cohen. 1984.
Determinants of Internal Labor Markets in Organizations
Administrative Science Quarterly 29: 550-572.